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WSA Talks | Telecoms Entrepreneur John F. Scarpa

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On this World Scholars Academy Talk, pioneering telecommunications entrepreneur John F. Scarpa shares insights and practical advice on how a grade-school student can prepare now to start and run successful businesses in their future. Mr. Scarpa is one of America's most successful entrepreneurs and a true innovator in the communications field. In 1982 he co-founded the American Cellular Network Corp, the first publicly traded cellular company in the United States, and served as its president until its acquisition by Comcast in 1998. He later co-founded Unitel Wireless Communication Systems, the internet service provider Earthlink, and the largest cable TV provider in the Northeastern United States. He is currently a passionate philanthropist supporting education, healthcare, and disadvantaged families through the John F. Scarpa Foundation, and is an enthusiastic promoter of youth entrepreneurship. Join our mailing list to get invited to the next WSA Talk and ask your questions live with our special guests. Watch this inspiring interview at the following link.

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