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Stone portico with river goddess

"The energy of the mind is the energy of life."



Anchor 1

World Doctors Academy is a two-week course introducing high school students ages 15-18 to high-level concepts in medicine, and is designed and taught by a world-leading medical instructor. Whether you are already set on a career in medicine or want to explore whether it might be right for you, World Doctors Academy will impart you with the key concepts in medicine and provide a lifelong foundation for optimizing your health and achieving academic and professional success.

Anchor 8




Class 1: Intro to Medical Degrees & Careers

Class 2: University & Study Skills

Class 3: Human Anatomy

Class 4: Pathology & the Immune System

Class 5: Biochemistry & Pharmacology

Class 6: Optimal Nutrition

Class 7: Neuroscience & Medicine

Class 8: Current Medical Debates

Class 9: Medical Case Studies

Class X: Mock-Hospital Challenge

Microscope with slide
Anatomical Model
Doctor Analyzing X-Rays of the Brain
Yoga by the Pool

Explore Medical Degrees & Careers

Find out what physicians in the various fields of medicine actually do. Discover which 
specialisms appeal most to you, and learn how to get accepted into and succeed at
 a top medical school

Master Human Anatomy

Comprehend the complexity of the human body, and learn how all our biological systems interact to maintain the health and vitality of every cell

Understand Medical Debates

Discover what current academic research has to say about long-standing medical controversies and debates. The answers may surprise you!

Learn about the Mind-Body Connection

Uncover how our psychology including unresolved traumas and avoided emotional experiences can directly affect our bodies and
our health

Doctor measuring blood pressure
Taking medical samples
Scientist on Computer
Medical Evaluation

Build Clinical Skills

How do you take blood pressure, reset a broken bone, and administer first aid in an emergency? Learn techniques to assess patients' medical conditions, deal with injuries, and save lives!

Discover Biochemistry

Learn about how cells function, and how pharmaceutical drugs affect the body, including how to prescribe the right medications in the right situations, and the limitations of drugs in improving health

Medical Research & Analysis

How do medical researchers go about analyzing data and judging the merit of scientific findings? Learn about the power of randomization and the meaning of statistical significance

Explore Medical Diagnostics

Discover the science (and art) of medical decision-making. What are the key vital signs to monitor, and how do physicians respond optimally to changing patient conditions?

Your Medical Instructor


Dr. Jasmine Thomas received her doctorate in medicine from the University of Cambridge with specialization in neuroscience and neurosurgery. She was winner of the 2017 Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology Prize, given to the top biology student in the UK. She has conducted research in neurology and autoimmune diseases at the University of Cambridge, and has several academic publications in these fields. She is also a coauthor to a popular guide to medical school admission interviews.


Jasmine has formerly taken volunteer work placements at hospitals in Kenya, Tanzania, and the Dominican Republic, and was an academic clinical supervisor for underclassmen at the University of Cambridge. She was previously President of the Murray Edwards Medical Society and Vice President of both the Cambridge Neurological Society and the Cambridge Medical Entrepreneurship Society. Jasmine has been tutoring science and medical school aspirants for over five years.

Marble statue of woman

Medical Course Testimonials


"[My instructor] turned the virtual sessions into reality. It was as if I was inside the different hospital sections, operating equipment and interacting with patients.

–Lexine A. (15) Parañaque City, Philippines


"I recommend taking this class to not only learn about taking medicine in the future but to become excited for medicine."

–Hannah, J. (15) Rolling Hills, CA


"[My instructor] created a very good environment for asking questions. We covered a lot of content quickly and she explained concepts in a way that made complex content less confusing." 

–Francis, T. (18) Oxford, UK




Laptop leaning against textbooks
Anchor 4

World Doctors Academy is delivered synchronously over two weeks in (i) ten live and interactive online classes, and (ii) two one-on-one personalized academic tutorials led by your instructor. The program follows the World Doctors Academy curriculum and includes:


  • Maximum class size six (6) students

  • Individual feedback and academic guidance

  • Take-home continuing study exercises and resources

  • Letter of Recommendation from your instructor (upon satisfactory participation)

  • Access to video recordings of all ten (10) live classes for future review

  • Course completion certificate


Online classes will last approximately two hours and will be delivered on weekdays 12pm-2pm US Pacific Time | 3pm-5pm US Eastern Time | 8pm-10pm British Summer Time.


Price: $2,795


  • Session 1: Monday June 23rd - Friday July 4th 2025

Marble statue of man with long beard

"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity."



Anchor 2

Discover Medicine Academy is a two-week course introducing middle school students ages 12-14 to fundamental concepts in medicine, and is designed and taught by a world-leading medical instructor. On the course you'll learn how the body works, what it is like to study medicine and work as a doctor, and if a medical career might be right for you.




Class 1: Medical Careers & Study Skills

Class 2: Anatomy & Physiology

Class 3: The Cardiovascular System

Class 4: The Digestive System

Class 5: The Immune System

Class 6: The Nervous System

Class 7: Fundamentals of Nutrition

Class 8: The Mind-Body Connection

Class 9: The Future of Medicine

Class X: Clinical Case Studies Challenge

Anchor 9
Analyzing 3D scans of the brain
Students in a Science Class
Medical surgery
Embryonic Stem Cells

Discover the World of Medicine

From nuclear medicine to radiology, explore the different fields of medicine and how they complement each other to effectively diagnose, treat, and cure disease

Learn Medical Study Skills

Optimize your grades by learning how you learn, and avoid the most common pitfalls which stop students from achieving their 

potential in high school,
college, and beyond

Explore Surgery

Do you have what it takes to train to be a surgeon? Learn how to get a head start on the skills required in the operating theater, and the manifold challenges of completing an operation successfully

The Immune System

How does our immune system deal with pathogens and combat disease? Are there ways to boost our immunity? Why does the body sometimes attack itself? Discover how the immune system functions

Vasculature of the Heart
Beach yoga
Marble bust of a man against red satin background
Medical doctor using virtual reality

The Cardiovascular System

Is the heart only just a pump? How do the lungs exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen? Is there really 100,000 miles of blood vessels in our bodies? Learn about how our circulatory system works and the causes of common disorders  

How Does the Mind Affect the Body?

Discover the surprising connection between our psychological state, emotional trauma, and common chronic diseases

Anatomy & Genetics

Learn about what's inside your body and how it all functions from your cranium to your phalanges. You'll never be able to look at yourself in the mirror the same way again!

The Future of Medicine

Where is medicine going in the 21st century? Is biotechnology poised to cure diseases and extend our lives? Will robots replace surgeons in the operating theater? Learn about the most recent medical advances and their impacts on the medical profession

Your Medical Instructor


Dr. Jasmine Thomas received her doctorate in medicine from the University of Cambridge with specialization in neuroscience and neurosurgery. She was winner of the 2017 Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology Prize, given to the top biology student in the UK. She has conducted research in neurology and autoimmune diseases at the University of Cambridge, and has several academic publications in these fields. She is also a coauthor to a popular guide to medical school admission interviews.


Jasmine has formerly taken volunteer work placements at hospitals in Kenya, Tanzania, and the Dominican Republic, and was an academic clinical supervisor for underclassmen at the University of Cambridge. She was previously President of the Murray Edwards Medical Society and Vice President of both the Cambridge Neurological Society and the Cambridge Medical Entrepreneurship Society. Jasmine has been tutoring science and medical school aspirants for over five years.

Marble statue of woman

Medical Course Testimonials


"The World Scholars Academy is a great place to learn about the different philosophies of medicine. It is also a great place to learn about the more in-depth topics of medicine. The Discover Medicine Academy is an overall fun and interesting place to learn which is why I enjoyed it so much!."

–Suma E. (12) North Brunswick, NJ


"Overall, I had a really rewarding experience. The course touches on a wide variety of topics and [I had] a very helpful and thoughtful instructor. I gained a lot of knowledge specifically on the immune system, which is something I’m extremely fascinated about. Overall, I’d recommend this course to anyone interested in medicine."

–Kelly C. (14) Markham, Canada



Anchor 5



Laptop leaning against textbooks

Discover Medicine Academy is delivered synchronously over two weeks in (i) ten live and interactive online classes, and (ii) two one-on-one personalized academic tutorials led by your instructor. The program follows the Discover Medicine Academy curriculum and includes:


  • Maximum class size six (6) students

  • Individual feedback and academic guidance

  • Take-home continuing study exercises and resources

  • Letter of Recommendation from your instructor (upon satisfactory participation)

  • Access to video recordings of all ten (10) live classes for future review

  • Course completion certificate


Online classes will last approximately two hours and will be delivered on weekdays 9am-11am US Pacific Time | 12pm-2pm US Eastern Time | 5pm-7pm British Summer Time.


Price: $2,795


  • Session 1: Monday June 23rd - Friday July 4th 2025

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